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PEBL WA Factsheet for University Partners

Project Description

The Partnership for Enhanced and Blended Learning in west Africa (PEBL WA) is a 2-year capacity building project. It will support 12 partner universities in Ghana and Nigeria to build capacity through training and the development of quality assured, credit-bearing blended courses. It is foreseen that one round of module development will run over the 2-year project period, resulting in the development of 12 blended modules. In addition, it is expected that over 1,200 academics and over 5,000 students will benefit from the project through training, tools and frameworks.The long-term objective of activities is to build sustainable capacity among partner universities to support academic staff in effective pedagogical approaches for blended learning. This will encompass capacity to support a range of academic activity including instructional design, content development and quality assurance.

Activities will work to ensure that:

·        a cadre of 100+ university staff are trained as leaders to support their academic colleagues in the effective design and delivery of teaching, learning and assessment materials for blended learning courses;

·        1,200 lecturers at partner universities are trained to teach blended learning courses;

·        12 universities are considering modalities for institutionalising pedagogical and educational development support and are equipped to quality assure blended content;

·        5,000 students are trained on the use of online tools and learning management systems and can use blended learning courses;


·        3,000 students are equipped with the necessary soft skills to be employable.